Corpora: phonotactic database?

N o s t a l g i a kenjiro at
Wed Nov 14 10:51:01 UTC 2001


First, my apology for crossposting this message with LINGUIST LIST.

I am looking for a database of world languages (or at least some
languages), which list not only the phonemic inventories of languages but
also their phonotactic constraints (i.e., which phoneme follows which,
etc). I would be grateful for any leads.
Thanks in advance,

Kenjiro Matsuda, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Linguistics
Graduate School of Kobe Shoin Women's University
1-2-1 Shinohara Obanoyama
Nada, Kobe 657-0015 JAPAN
Tel: +81-(0)78-882-6253

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