Corpora: approximations (bounds) for edit distance

Robert Luk (COMP staff) csrluk at
Fri Nov 30 23:22:23 UTC 2001

Hi Bruce,

> Maybe I'm missing something, but the upper bound on edit distance between
> two strings is always the length of the longer string, and the lower bound
> is always zero (when the strings are identical).

I guess it depends on the edit cost of the operations.
For most applications, we do expect all edit costs to
be larger than or equals to zero and the lb edit
distance between any 2 strings is 0. However, the ub
of any 2 strings is the length of the longer string
is true (I guess) if insert, delete and substitution
edit costs are 1 and 0 for correct substitution.
If I remember correctly, that's the Levenstein
metric but one needs to check the details for
correctness. In the applications that I have worked,
it is not uncommon to use edit costs are than
the Levenstein.


Robert Luk

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