Corpora: CICLing-2002 Conf: Comput. Linguistics and Text Processing, Mexico, February: Deadline reminder

Alexander Gelbukh gelbukh at
Thu Oct 11 01:54:52 UTC 2001

Deadline reminder (we apologize for accident multiple messages)

        CICLing-2002: 3rd International Conference
        on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics

        February 17 to 23, 2002
        Mexico City, Mexico


Dear colleagues,

We have received many excellent submissions for CICLing-2002. In spite of a
number of deadline extension requests, we cannot afford extending our full
papers deadline, which has PASSED. However, we ***ENCOURAGE YOU TO CONTACT
US FOR LATE SUBMISSIONS***. We will do our best to consider them.

(Note that you have an option to present a poster by November 5.)

Two comments:

1. This is the last CICLing event to be held in Mexico City (from 2003, we
will organize it in different places). Please do not miss your last chance
for the excellent touristic program we offer in Mexico City (see photos at and

2. The Proceedings will be published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science --
LNCS (and not in Artificial Intelligence -- LNAI -- as we wrongly stated
previously). LNCS has much better impact index than LNAI.

Thank you!
Alexander Gelbukh
Program Chair

Welcome to CICLing-2002 conf:
Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics
February 2002, Mexico City, Mexico
Prof. Dr. Alexander Gelbukh (Alexandre Guelboukh Kahn),
Research Professor, head of NLP Lab,
Centro de Investigacion en Computacion (CIC),
Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN).
Address: CIC, IPN, entrada por calle Venus (cerca de Metro Poli),
         Col. Zacatenco, CP 07738, Mexico DF., Mexico
Office: (+52) 5729-6000 ext. 56544, 56518, 56602, home 5597-0709
Fax: +1 (520) 441-1817 (personal), (+52) 5586-2936 (shared)
gelbukh at, gelbukh at,

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