Corpora: Mapping WordNet1.6 to WordNet1.7

German Rigau Claramunt g.rigau at
Fri Oct 26 12:09:34 UTC 2001

Dear list members,

We are pleased to announce the public release of the complete
mapping between WordNet 1.6 and WordNet 1.7.

The mapping covers nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs and
has been performed by means of an automatic process. We used
a constraint satisfaction algorithm (relaxation labelling) to select
-among a set of candidates- the node in WN1.7 that best matches
each node in WN1.6. We mapped both resources using mainly
structural information (i.e. synset relationships), and some help
from glosses and synset words in the cases where structure
was not enough (adjectives and adverbs).

The framework of the mapping was presented at the NAACL
meeting last June in Pittsburg:

Daudé J., Padró L. and Rigau G., A Complete WN1.5 to WN1.6 Mapping,
Proceedings of NAACL Workshop "WordNet and Other Lexical Resources:
Applications, Extensions and Customizations". Pittsburg, PA, United
States, 2001.

You can download the database from:

Here you can also find information about our mappings of WordNet 1.5 to
WordNet 1.6.

Best whishes,

Jordi Daudé, Lluis Padró and German Rigau

 o o o    German Rigau Claramunt                        Tel : +93.401.56.51
 o o o    TALP Research Center.                         Fax : +93.401.70.14
 o o o    LSI department -AI section-. UPC.
 U P C                  g.rigau at

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