Corpora: Historical background of Corpus Linguistics

Tony Berber Sardinha tony4 at
Thu Apr 18 11:25:28 UTC 2002

Dear Charo de Felipe and Ramesh

Some of the early publications by Sinclair have appeared in the following
collection, such as his 1966 'beginning the study of lexis' paper:

Foley, J. A. (Ed.). (1996). *J M Sinclair on Lexis and Lexicography*. Singapore:

The 1970 OSTI report is not included there, though.

Dr Tony Berber Sardinha
(Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
tony4 at
[New website]

----- Original Message -----
From: <ramesh at>
To: <chadefe at>
Cc: <corpora at>
Sent: quarta-feira, 17 de abril de 2002 19:34
Subject: Corpora: Historical background of Corpus Linguistics

> Dear Charo de Felipe
> As far as I know, one of the earliest (perhaps *the* earliest)
> publication of linguistic research using an electronic corpus
> was:
> J. McH. Sinclair, S. Jones, and R. Daley
> English Lexical Studies:
> Report to OSTI on Project C/LP/08
> Department of English
> University of Birmingham
> January 1970
> Unfortunately, very few copies of this seminal work
> were made publicly available, so it may also be of
> interest that it is currently being prepared for
> re-publication by Birmingham University, and will
> probably appear later this year.
> Best wishes
> Ramesh
> Ramesh Krishnamurthy
> Honorary Research Fellow, University of Birmingham;
> Honorary Research Fellow, University of Wolverhampton;
> Consultant, Cobuild and Bank of English Corpus, Collins Dictionaries.

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