Corpora: Software tools

Jean Veronis Jean.Veronis at
Fri Feb 8 17:41:23 UTC 2002

At 18:11 08/02/2002 +0100, maria dolores ramirez wrote:
>Dear listmembers,
>Does anyone know if there is any software tool to analyse and annotate
>prosodic features from an oral corpus? Thank you for your help.

A student of mine just defended an excellent PhD thesis on that very topic. 
She used a bunch of tools for semi-automatic annotation of prosody with 
good results on French, English, italian, German and Spanish. You can have 
a look at the following paper, which gives a (very brief) overview:

Campione, E., & Véronis , J. (2001). Semi-automatic tagging of intonation 
in French spoken corpora. In P. Rayson, A. Wilson, T. McEnery, A. Hardie & 
S. Khoja (Eds.), Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics'2001 Conference (pp. 
90-99). Lancaster, U.K.: Lancaster University, UCREL.

[Available on-line:]

She can probably send you a copy of her thesis if you contact her:

Estelle Campione <Estelle.Campione at>

Best regards,

Jean Véronis

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