Corpora: NLULP'02: deadline extension!

Shuly Wintner shuly at
Mon Feb 18 06:53:01 UTC 2002

*** The deadline for submission was extended to March 10th! ***

                      The 7th International Workshop on
            Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming

            An affiliated workshop with ICLP, as part of FLoC'02

                    Copenhagen, Denmark, 27-28 July, 2002


The International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic
Programming was first organized in Rennes, France, in 1984. Since then
similar workshops took place in Vancouver, Canada (1987), Dalgharten, Sweden
(1991), Nara, Japan (1993), Lisbon, Portugal (1995) and most recently, the
6th NLULP took place in Las Cruces, New Mexico in December 1999, as part of
the International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'99). This year,
NLULP is affiliated again with ICLP, The International Conference on Logic
Programming, which is held as part of FLoC'02, The 2002 Federated Logic
Conference, the major computational logic event of the year.

Topics of interest include all aspects of the intersection of Natural
Language Understanding with Logic Programming and Constraint (Logic)
Programming, both theoretical and practical, in all levels of linguistic
investigation. Special emphasis will be given to works addressing the
logical, mathematical and computational relationships between linguistic
formalisms and logic programming. Relevant issues include, but are not
limited to, investigations of the logical theory underlying linguistic
formalisms; alternative approaches to the semantics of such formalisms;
applications of constraint logic programming to ``constraint-based''
linguistic formalisms; issues governing grammar engineering, scalability,
modularization, information encapsulation, etc; applications of inductive
logic programming methods to NLP; higher-order logic programming;
applications of functional programming to NLP; etc. However, all works
dealing with issues of natural language and logic programming are welcome.


Papers should be written in English and describe original, unpublished work.
They should emphasize completed rather than proposed work. The state of
completion of reported results should be clearly indicated. Papers must be
anonymous and refrain from self-reference. Accepted papers cannot be
presented or have been presented at any other meeting with publicly
available published proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other
conferences or workshops must indicate this on the title page.

Submissions should be no longer than 15 pages (A4 or Letter format, single
column, 11pt, at least 2.5cm / 1 inch margins), including title (but no
author names), abstract, keywords and references. All contributions are to
be made electronically, preferably as PDF attachments. Please send your
anonymous submission to the organizer, shuly at If electronic
submission is impossible, please contact the organizer. The deadline for
submission is Sunday, 17 February, 2002.

The anonymous submission should be accompanied by an e-mail listing the
following details:

   * Authors' names and affiliations
   * Address
   * E-mail addresses
   * Title
   * Keywords
   * Abstract

All submissions will be reviewed by at least two members of the program
committee. The accepted papers will be made available electronically as part
of the Workshop's Proceedings. Depending on the quality of the submissions,
we intend to publish selected papers in a special issue of the Journal of
Language and Computation.

Program Committee

   * Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser University), veronica at
   * Sandiway Fong (NEC Research Institute), sandiway at
   * Nissim Francez (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology),
     francez at
   * Mark Johnson (Brown University), Mark_Johnson at
   * Gregers Koch (University of Copenhagen), gregers at
   * Gabriel Pereira Lopes (New University of Lisbon), gpl at
   * Detmar Meurers (Ohio State University), dm at
   * Guido Minnen (Motorola Human Interface Laboratories),
     minnen at
   * Gertjan van Noord (University of Groningen), vannoord at
   * Gerald Penn (University of Toronto), gpenn at
   * Fred Popowich (Gavagai Technology Incorporated), popowich at
   * Monique Rolbert (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Marseille),
     Monique.Rolbert at
   * Paul Sabatier (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Marseille),
     Paul.Sabatier at
   * Jun'ichi Tsujii (University of Tokyo), tsujii at
   * Carl Vogel (Trinity College Dublin), vogel at
   * Shuly Wintner (University of Haifa), shuly at

Important dates

   * March 10, 2002: Deadline for submissions
   * April 14, 2002: Notification of acceptance
   * May 14, 2002: Final version due
   * July 27-28, 2002: Workshop dates

Further information

The Workshop is organized by Shuly Wintner, Department of Computer Science,
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel. For further information about ICLP or
FLoC'02 please visit The Workshop's homepage is:

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