Corpora: TIGERSearch treebank query tool

Wolfgang Lezius lezius at IMS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE
Fri Jan 11 08:27:35 UTC 2002

Dear list members,

the TIGERSearch treebank query tool is now available for download:

TIGERSearch is a specialized search engine for syntactically annotated
corpora (treebanks).


* linguistically motivated query language (similar to typed
feature-based grammar formalisms)

* sophisticated graphical user interface (TIGERGraphViewer) for
browsing the query results

* corpus samplers from PennTreebank, NEGRA, TIGER, DEREKO, Susanne,
Christine, Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English, VerbMobil

* graphical registry tool (TIGERRegistry) for easy corpus administration

* XML-import of corpora
Import filters are available for the corpora mentioned above.

* XML- and SVG-animation-export of query results
Sample XSLT-stylesheets for the creation of other formats are included.

* available for all major platforms which support Java 1.3: Microsoft
Windows, Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X.

The development of TIGERSearch has been funded by the TIGER project
and the DEREKO project (Land Baden-Wuerttemberg).

The TIGERSearch team.
Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS), University of Stuttgart
email: tigersearch at

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