Corpora: New Corpus from the LDC

LDC Office ldc at
Tue May 14 15:32:16 UTC 2002

       *    Korean English Treebank Annotations    *

The Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) is pleased to announce the
availability of Korean English Treebank Annotations corpus.  This
ftp publication contains 33 texts originally written in Korean and
translated into English for purposes of language training in a military
setting. The texts were made available for linguistic research by the
Defense Language Institute (DLI).

Manually annotation of both the Korean and English texts was conducted
at Institute for Research in Cognitive Science (IRCS) at the University
of Pennsylvania. The annotation includes syntactic constituent
bracketing and part-of-speech (POS) tagging.

For further information, including online documentation and a link to
the University of Pennsylvania Korean NLP site, please visit:

Institutions that have membership in the LDC during the 2002 Membership
Year will be able to receive this corpus free of charge. Nonmembers
may purchase this publication for $500.

	*   Please note that a license agreement is    *
	*   required of both members and nonmembers.   *

The member license is available at:

The nonmember at:


If you need additional information before placing your order, or would
like to inquire about membership in the LDC, please send email to
<ldc at> or call (215) 573-1275.

Linguistic Data Consortium          Phone: (215) 573-1275
3615 Market Street                  Fax:   (215) 573-2175
Suite 200                           email: ldc at
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