[Corpora-List] MT workshop reminder

Harold Somers harold.somers at umist.ac.uk
Tue Oct 29 14:45:16 UTC 2002

C A L L    F O R    P A R T I C I P A T I O N -- R E M I N D E R

Subject: 6th EAMT Workshop: Teaching Machine Translation
Date: 14 - 15 November 2002
Venue: UMIST, Manchester, England
Web-site: http://www.ccl.umist.ac.uk/events/eamt-bcs

Organised by the European Association for Machine Translation,
in association with the Natural Language Translation Specialist
Group of the British Computer Society, this sixth Workshop will
focus on the topic of:

                    Teaching Machine Translation

The deadline for early-bird registration is November 5th.

Please register on-line at

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