[Corpora-List] Last CFP/Call for Participation CLIN 2002

Tanja Gaustad tanja at let.rug.nl
Tue Sep 24 10:57:20 UTC 2002

[Our apologies for multiple postings]


* CLIN 2002					  *
* Thirteenth CLIN Meeting 			  *
* (Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands)  *
* Friday, 29 November, 2002 			  *
* University of Groningen			  *

We are happy to announce the thirteenth CLIN meeting which will be hosted
by the department of Humanities Computing at the University of
Groningen. The languages of the conference are Dutch and English. The
guest speaker of CLIN 2002 is

    Hugo Brandt Corstius

author of numerous books and columns on computational linguistics, as well
as on Dutch language and literature. The topic of his talk will be
announced later.

Researchers are invited to present papers on all aspects of computational
linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics,
pragmatics, machine translation, computational lexicography, formal
languages, grammar formalisms, information retrieval, information
extraction, text mining, knowledge representation, parsing and generation,
dialogue management, embodied conversational agents, corpus-oriented
methods, etc.).

Authors should submit an abstract in English or Dutch (preferably by
e-mail, in flat ASCII). The abstract should contain:

- a title
- your name, address, affiliation, and e-mail address
- a short outline of the paper (10-20 lines)

You can send your abstract to: clin at let.rug.nl

or, if email is not possible, to:

CLIN 2002
Tanja Gaustad
University of Groningen
P.O. Box 716
9700 AS Groningen
The Netherlands

Deadline for submission:	27 September 2002.
Notification of acceptance: 	11 October 2002.
CLIN 2002:  			29 November 2002.

The local organiser of this year's meeting is Tanja Gaustad.

A volume with proceedings of the twelfth CLIN meeting (held 30 November
2001, in Enschede) will be available at this year's meeting. We intend to
produce a volume of the proceedings of CLIN 2002 before CLIN 2003. Papers
for these proceedings will have to be written in English; they will be
reviewed by a committee to be appointed in due time.

Participants are kindly asked to register online on the CLIN 2002 home
page. The participation fee is EUR 35,- which includes a copy of the
proceedings of last year's meeting, as well as lunch and drinks. CLIN 2002
is organized in cooperation with SIKS, and sponsored by NWO, BCN and

This and future information about CLIN 2002 will be made available via the
CLIN 2002 home page: http://www.let.rug.nl/clin2002/

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