[Corpora-List] Croatian Corpus

Mike Maxwell maxwell at ldc.upenn.edu
Wed Apr 9 16:36:07 UTC 2003

Anthony Weaver wrote:
>  I would also like to know if there are any papers discussing
> Croatian pronunciation? More specifically, it has been explained to
> me by a native speaker, and on
> various sites on the web that Croatian pronunciation is mostly
> unambiguous, but I have been unable to find any papers/research that
> would
> support or refute this claim.  In English, each letter can have
> multiple pronunciations, but this does not seem to occur for
> Croatian.

I should have said this in my previous msg, but:

As I'm sure you're aware, there are two kinds of "multiple
pronunciation": one letter -> two or more phonemes, and one phoneme ->
two or more allophones.  Native speakers are generally unaware of the
latter, but a good phonological description will talk about it.  (There
is also variation at the sub-allophonic level, or at least below what
linguists typically transcribe when they're transcribing phonetically.)

I don't have any leads on phonological descriptions of Croatian, but I'm
sure there are lots of them.  You might also search for "jers".

     Mike Maxwell
     Linguistic Data Consortium
     maxwell at ldc.upenn.edu

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