[Corpora-List] ECML/PKDD 2003 Workshop on Learning Context-Free Grammars

Menno van Zaanen M.M.vanZaanen at uvt.nl
Wed Apr 16 11:26:08 UTC 2003

Apologies to those of you who receive this more than once.

              First call for Papers and Participation:
        ECML/PKDD 2003 Workshop on Learning Context-Free Grammars
           To be held at Dubrovnik, Monday, September 22, 2003

Most attention in the field of grammar induction has been set on the
problem of learning finite state automata, representing regular
languages. Yet long term dependencies, palindromic structures,
parenthesis are all internal structures that may appear in a wide
range of applications and are better described by context free
grammars. The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum specific
to this question, enabling researchers to present their most recent
results over the issue of learning context-free grammars.

We encourage submissions related to the following topics:
* General learning results concerning the learnability of
  context-free grammars (or sub-classes of these),
* Classes of context-free grammars for which positive learning
  results can be obtained,
* Heuristics, and results on typical grammars,
* Validation issues: benchmarks for context-free grammar learning,
* Applications of context-free grammar learning,
* Stochastic context-free grammar learning,
* Learning context-free grammars from structured data, or
  semi-structured data,
* Learning tree automata.

Important dates:
* Workshop paper submission deadline: June 13, 2003.
* Workshop paper acceptance notification: July 4, 2003.
* Workshop paper camera-ready deadline: July 11, 2003.
* Workshop to be held on the 22nd or 23rd of September, 2003.

Submission Guidelines:
Submissions should be sent by June 13, 2003, in the electronic form as
a PDF or PostScript file to Menno van Zaanen (mvzaanen at uvt.nl),
Subject: Grammatical Induction workshop submission paper. The papers
should be formatted as for the main ECML/PKDD-2003 conference
submissions. The maximum length of papers is 12 pages.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by referees from the Program
Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the working notes
provided by ECML/PKDD-2003.

For a full description of the workshop focus and goals, visit the
website at
(also from the ECML/PKDD main page

Chairs: Colin de la Higuera, Pieter Adriaans, Menno van Zaanen.

------------------------------- Structural linguistics is a bitterly divided
- Menno van Zaanen            - and unhappy discipline, and a large number of
- mvzaanen at uvt.nl             - practitioners spend too many nights drowning
- http://ilk.uvt.nl/~mvzaanen - their problems in Ouisghian Zodahs.
-------------------------------              -Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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