[Corpora-List] Cogsci 2004 Call for Tutorial Proposals
Frank Keller
keller at inf.ed.ac.uk
Mon Dec 1 15:47:37 UTC 2003
August 5-7, 2004, Chicago, Westin River North
The Tutorials program at Cognitive Science 2004 will be held on 4
August 2004. They will provide conference participants with the
opportunity to gain new insights, knowledge, and skills from a broad
range of areas in the field of cognitive science. Tutorial topics will
be presented in a taught format and are likely to range from practical
guidelines to academic issues and theory. This is the fourth year that
tutorials in this format will be offered.
Tutorial participants will be from a wide range of the cognitive
sciences, but they will be looking for insights into their own areas
and summaries of other areas providing tools, techniques, and results
to use in their own teaching and research.
Tutorials must present tutorial material, that is, provide results
that are established and to do so in an interactive format. They will
tend to involve an introduction to technical skills or methods (e.g.,
cognitive modelling in ACT-R, statistical "causal" modelling, methods
of analysing qualitative observational data). They are likely to
include substantial review of material. The level of presentation can
assume that the attendees have at least a first degree in a cognate
area. Tutorials are welcome to assume a higher level if
necessary. Tutorials about yesterday's results from your lab are
strongly discouraged. Tutorials about this year's theme, The Social,
Cultural and Contextual Elements of Cognition, are encouraged.
Each tutorial is designed to be a half-day or full-day in
duration. Half-day tutorials are about 3 hours long (not including
breaks). Full day tutorials are about 6 hours long (not including
breaks). Please indicate the duration of your proposed tutorial in
your application.
The background of attendees assumed by the tutorial should be
described explicitly and in detail in the proposal form
<http://acs.ist.psu.edu/iccm2004/tutorial-proposal.txt>. Include any
pre-requisites such as knowledge of processes and procedures. State
any skills that are needed to understand tutorial content or to
complete the exercises.
In addition, state whether the tutorial is intended to introduce
participants to an area, or whether it is intended to further develop
the expertise of participants who already have some knowledge or
experience in a particular area.
Most tutorials should be at the introductory graduate school level or
higher. That is, the tutorials should be accessible to postgraduate
students, but should also assume a first degree in one of the
cognitive sciences.
Tutorials can cover any topic in cognitive science. A small survey at
Cognitive Science 1998 suggested numerous topics. These include:
hidden Markov models; Advanced Bayesian inferencing/Bayesian nets;
Computer program for real-time experimentation; Distinguishing among
production system models - ACT, EPIC, SOAR; Introductions to specific
cognitive architectures; Introduction to Philosophy as it pertains to
issues relevant to Cognitive Science; Verbal protocol analysis;
Cognitive task analysis; Learning to code prosody and phonology;
Social cognition; Designing FMRI studies; Qualitative/observational
methods and their analysis. Programs in previous years have included
cognitive architectures, eye-tracking, and fMRI.
Tutorials on these and other topics broadly related to cognitive
science are solicited.
Review Process
Tutorial proposals will be evaluated by the tutorial committee on the
basis of their estimated benefit for prospective participants and on
their fit within the tutorials program as a whole.
The proposal form is available as a plain text file: Proposal form
Factors to be considered include relevance, importance, and audience
appeal; suitability for presentation in a half-day or full-day
tutorial format; use of presentation methods that offer participants
direct experience with the material being taught; how much they might
help unify cognitive science; teaching a skill or covering a topic
that would not have another outlet; and past experience and
qualifications of the instructors with their tutorial.
Selection is also based on the overall distribution of topics,
approaches (overview, theory, methodology, how-to), audience
experience levels, and specialities of the intended audiences.
Submissions for Cognitive Science Tutorials must include two
documents, the proposal (including contact details, abstract, and
proposal details), and example material.
The cover page and proposal must be submitted by email as plain ASCII
text (no rtf, no word files, no postscript, no MIME, no pdf, no
troff). (please, this allows us to pass it to committee members more
quickly and takes less space).
The example material may be submitted by email as binhexed Microsoft
Word files (5, 6,98 or rtf) or as HTML (URL or text), or as PDF,
otherwise, 2 paper copies are required.
* Proposal: Prepare a proposal, no longer than 1,500 words, for
review purposes. The proposal should be a clearly written
specification of the tutorial. It should:
describe in detail the material that will be covered in the course
justify the tutorial for a cognitive science audience
explain how the tutorial will be conducted
give a schedule of events with time allocations
describe and provide samples of materials that will be included in
the tutorial notes (or refer to these materials on the web or on
the submitted hardcopy).
If the proposed tutorial has been given previously, the proposal
should include a brief history of where the tutorial has been
given and how it will be modified for the Cognitive Science
Proposal form for downloading and filling in and sending back via
email to the chair:
* Description: A description of your tutorial useful for putting
into conference flyers.
* Extended Abstract: A one page overview suitable for inclusion in
the conference proceedings. It may reference your own URLS, or a
society supplied page for dissemination of additional useful
* Requirements List: As part of the proposal, prepare a list of
requirements for running the tutorial. Include any supplies
required for each participant, restrictions or conditions on
offering the tutorial, and other information that the review
committee should know in considering the proposal. Please include
here your audio-visual and computing equipment requirements.
Tutorials may specify the use of computers; and your proposal must
note what computing resources you will need, including software
and hardware. We believe that it is a reasonable assumption to
have tutees, appropriately paired, share a computer.
Alternatively, you may just specify a display panel to display
information. Your assistance in providing a display panel, if
possible, should be noted. Computers do not have to be used.
We will work with you to provide support. If your software runs on
multiple platforms, please state the range and tradeoffs as
clearly as you can. You will be responsible for installing and
removing any software you use.
Based on previous year's experience, you can assume that
participants will be able to bring laptops. We will work with you
to provide the software to the laptops. It is likely, but subject
to confirmation that there will be internet connections available,
for either the tutors or participants. This is subject to
confirmation and there may be other possibilities available.
Upon Acceptance
Tutors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by late February to
early March 2004. Acceptance is conditional upon the tutors'
compliance with deadlines and requirements.
Abstracts of accepted tutorials will be included in the calls for
participation for the conference and in the proceedings.
Instructors should prepare course material specifically for the
Cognitive Science tutorial session. Presentation materials used by the
instructor for other courses or projects must be current.
Tutorial Notes
Attendees at other conferences have indicated that the tutorial notes
are a valuable benefit of taking a tutorial. Consequently, proposed
tutorials are accepted contingent upon receipt of high-quality
tutorial notes.
The notes should serve as reference materials for attendees and should
support the presentation of material during the tutorial. The tutorial
notes should include such items as:
* an introduction to the topic
* copies of all overhead transparencies and slides
* an annotated bibliography
* copies of relevant background material or scholarly papers (for which
the instructors have obtained any necessary reprint permission)
* tutorial exercises, as appropriate
Instructors must sign a release form giving Cognitive Science
one-time-only permission to utilise the notes for tutorial
participants and to sell notes at the conference.
A budget of $125 will be awarded for each half-day tutorial that is
taught, $250 for each full-day. If a tutorial has two or more
instructors, the budget will be shared among them. The budget can only
be applied to registration fees, meals, and housing costs at the
conference. Tutors will not be charged for attending their own
tutorial. Tutors may bring a helper to the tutorial at no cost.
Notes on Submissions
Your submission must be in English. Submissions which arrive after
the deadline will not be considered. Your submission should contain
no proprietary or confidential material and should cite no proprietary
or confidential publications. Responsibility for permissions to use
video, audio or pictures of identifiable people rests with you, not
CogSci 2004. We strongly suggest the use of express mail or a courier
service for speedy delivery. Customs labels should bear the words
"Educational materials with no commercial value."
Important Dates
* 6 February 2004: Tutorial submissions due, 17:00 (5:00 pm) local
time at the receiving address
* Late February 2004: Notification of acceptance or rejection
* 15 April 2004: Camera-ready abstract copy due for inclusion in
* 15 June 2004: Camera-ready tutorial notes due
Frank E. Ritter (Penn State)
Frank Keller (U. of Edinburgh)
Committee members
Fernanda Ferreira (Michigan State)
Todd Johnson (UT/Houston)
Gary Jones (Derby)
Padraic Monaghan (Warwick)
Chris Kello (George Mason)
Ching-Fan Sheu (Depaul)
Robert St. Amant (North Carolina State University)
Yvette Tenney (BBN Labs)
Richard Young (Hertfordshire)
Send To:
Frank E. Ritter
School of Information Sciences and Technology
[building number to be provided after move on 1/2004]
University Park, PA 16802
Tel: +1 814 865-4453
Fax : +1 814 865-6426
Email: ritter at ist.psu.edu
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