[Corpora-List] CFP: HLT-NAACL Workshop on Text Summarization / DUC 2003

Dragomir R. Radev radev at umich.edu
Tue Feb 4 04:12:43 UTC 2003

		HLT-NAACL Text Summarization Workshop
	     Document Understanding Conference (DUC 2003)

		       May 31 and June 1, 2003
			 Edmonton, AB, Canada



A series of highly successful summarization meetings have been held
over the last few years in a number of locations: Dagstuhl 1994,
Madrid 1997, Stanford 1998, Seattle 2000, Pittsburgh 2001, New Orleans
2001 (DUC 2001), and Philadelphia 2002 (jointly with DUC 2002). The
goal of the 2003 meeting is to provide a venue where new results
can be discussed, including results from DUC 2003.

Over the last three years, DUC (Document Understanding Conference,
http://duc.nist.gov/) has been the main evaluation forum for research
in text summarization.  Sixteen sites participated in the most recent
installment of the evaluation, with results presented at a joint
workshop following the Philadelphia ACL meeting.

The proposed workshop will include papers on all aspects of
text summarization, including but not limited to the following:
non-extractive summarization, spoken language (including dialogue)
summarization, language modeling for text and speech summarization,
multi-document and multilingual summarization, integration of
question answering and text summarization, Web-based summarization,
evaluation of summarization systems, etc. If enough interest is
expressed, a meeting to update the roadmap on research on text
summarization will be held as part of the workshop. The workshop
will also include an invited speaker (to be confirmed).

The second day of the workshop will be devoted to discussion of
the results from DUC 2003.  The DUC schedule calls for results
to be submitted by mid-February and a post-evaluation meeting to
be held in late May - early June where researchers will discuss
their approaches and plan for DUC 2004.


The suggested format for the meeting is quite similar to last year's
workshop in Philadelphia

Two tracks will be included in the program:

T1. Regular summarization papers (submission open to the general
    public), published by ACL
T2. (draft) DUC notebook papers (submission limited to DUC
    participants, attendance is open), published by NIST

Some important dates (tentative):

Track T1:
- February 28, 2003 - submissions due
- March 19, 2003 - authors notified
- April 1, 2003 - camera-ready papers due

Track T2:
- May 5, 2003 - notebook papers due at NIST

The main HLT-NAACL conference will be held May 28-30. The proposed
dates for the DUC workshop are Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, June 1,
2003. The exact schedule of the workshop will be determined later,
based on the number of submissions to the two tracks.


Dragomir Radev (co-chair), University of Michigan (radev at umich.edu)
Simone Teufel (co-chair), University of Cambridge (simone.teufel at cl.cam.ac.uk)
Donna Harman, NIST (donna.harman at nist.gov)
Paul Over, NIST (paul.over at nist.gov)


all of the above plus:
Regina Barzilay, Cornell University (regina at cs.cornell.edu)
John Conroy, IDA Center for Computing Sciences (conroy at super.org)
Udo Hahn, U. Freiburg (hahn at coling.uni-freiburg.de)
Eduard Hovy, USC/ISI (hovy at isi.edu)
Hongyan Jing, IBM Research (hjing at us.ibm.com)
Guy Lapalme, U. Montreal (lapalme at iro.umontreal.ca)
Chin-Yew Lin, USC/ISI (cyl at isi.edu)
Inderjeet Mani, MITRE (imani at mitre.org)
Marie-Francine Moens, KU Leuven (marie-france.moens at law.kuleuven.ac.be)
Karen Sparck-Jones, U. Cambridge (karen.sparck-jones at cl.cam.ac.uk)
Tadashi Nomoto, National Institute of Japanese Literature (nomoto at acm.org)
Horacio Saggion, U. Sheffield (h.saggion at dcs.shef.ac.uk)
Stan Szpakowicz, U. Ottawa (szpak at site.uottawa.ca)
Klaus Zechner, ETS (kzechner at ets.org)

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