[Corpora-List] Extended Deadline - Corpus-Based Approaches to Figurative Language Workshop, CL2003 Lancaster University

Mark G Lee M.G.Lee at cs.bham.ac.uk
Mon Feb 24 18:02:58 UTC 2003

	Deadline Extended!! Abstract Submissions due: 3rd of March
			Interdisciplinary Workshop on
               Corpus-Based Approaches to Figurative Language

                     Thursday 27th March 2003 (all day)

                                 as part of

                          CORPUS LINGUISTICS 2003

                 main programme 28th March - 1st April 2003
                       Lancaster University, England


Figurative language is pervasive in all kinds of discourse and as a
phenomenon has attracted considerable interest from a wide variety of fields
including linguistics, psychology, artificial intelligence and philosophy.
However, the majority of work has been guided by linguistic intuition and
not analysis of real usage. We intend this workshop to address this by
focussing on the use of corpora to investigate figurative language. The
following areas are of particular interest:

   * corpus-based studies of figurative aspects of any language
   * corpus-based studies of polysemy and context-sensitive meaning, in
     their relation to figurative language
   * multilingual or cross-lingual studies of figurative language
   * computational models of figurative language interpretation or
     generation, using results from corpora for guidance or being
     substantially evaluated on corpora
   * psychological models of figurative language processing, using results
     from corpora as a significant contribution
   * relationships between processing models and corpus studies

A second intention of the workshop will be to explore the methodological
issues of using corpora to study figurative language. Issues include:

   * illumination of the concepts of literalness, metaphor, metonymy etc.
     through corpus studies
   * interannotator agreement on what constitutes figurative language,
     metaphor, metonymy etc.
   * specific linguistic cues for figurative language, including studies of
     their frequencies and reliability and evaluation of their amenability
     to automated detection
   * corpus design and corpus analysis tools for figurative language studies
   * effects of domain, genre or corpus type on studies of figurative
     language (including cross-corpus studies)

The workshop is intended to be a follow-up to our previous workshop at
Corpus Linguistics 2001. The previous workshop was well attended, with
twelve presented papers, two discussion sessions and about thirty
participants. Selected papers will also appear in an issue of Metaphor and
Symbol journal. The time for a second workshop is appropriate since in the
last two years there has been a great deal of interest and new research in
this area.

We intend the workshop to fill a full day with 10 - 12 presented papers. A
proceedings of full papers will be generated from the workshop and we will
also explore the possibility of publishing selected papers in a relevant


Anybody wishing to present at the workshop should submit a two-page
abstract. If accepted, authors will be invited to submit a full paper
(maximum eight pages) prior to the workshop which will be included in the
workshop proceedings.

Workshop Deadlines

        Abstract submission deadline:         3rd of March

        Deadline for receipt of full papers
        for inclusion in workshop             Sunday 23rd March
        proceedings:                          2003

Workshop Organizers

 John Barnden     School of Computer Science  J.A.Barnden at cs.bham.ac.uk
                  University of Birmingham
                  Birmingham B15 2TT
 Sheila Glasbey   School of Computer Science  S.R.Glasbey at cs.bham.ac.uk
                  University of Birmingham
                  Birmingham B15 2TT
 Mark Lee         School of Computer Science  M.G.Lee at cs.bham.ac.uk
                  University of Birmingham
                  Birmingham B15 2TT
 Katja Markert    Division of Informatics     markert at cogsci.ed.ac.uk
                  University of Edinburgh
                  Edinburgh EH8 9LW
 Alan Wallington  School of Computer Science  A.M.Wallington at cs.bham.ac.uk
                  University of Birmingham
                  Birmingham B15 2TT

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