[Corpora-List] statistical named entity recognition
Åsne Thea Fraser Haaland
a.t.haaland at ilf.uio.no
Thu Jan 2 11:45:04 UTC 2003
Hello list members,
My Ph.D. thesis is to be on named entity recognition for Norwegian. I want
to use existing programming tools implementing different statistical
methods. Most of my reading has been on maximum entropy modelling. Do any
of you have any experience with existing tools that can be used for named
entity recognition? Ideally I would like to be able to experiment with the
kind of information provided to the system, so I want open source code that
can be modified. In the case of maximum entropy modelling I would
appreciate the possibility of trying different algorithms. It would be an
extra bonus if I could try out the frequency redistibution algorithm
advocated by Mikheev.
I intend to post a summary of the comments received. I appreciate your help.
Best, Åsne Haaland
Åsne Haaland, stipendiat
Tekstlaboratoriet, Inst. for lingvistiske fag (http://www.hf.uio.no/tekstlab)
Pb. 1102 Blindern, 0317 Oslo; besøksadr.: rom 523 Henrik Wergelands hus
Tlf.: 22 85 67 87, faks: 22 85 69 19
E-post: a.t.haaland at ilf.uio.no
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