[Corpora-List] Question

PD Dr. Edward Wornar edi at serbski-institut.de
Mon Jan 13 12:21:46 UTC 2003

>  Hello everybody,
>   I would like to ask you a question: is it possible
> to convert a plain document (written in the word
> processor 'word') into a XML one??

What do you mean with "plain document"? You can write quite a lot of
formats with word. If "plain" means ASCII-text with linefeeds, you can
simply write a perl script like

while(<>) {
  print "\<line>";
  print $_;
  print "\</line>\n";

You can also load your document with OpenOffice and save in
OpenOffice's native format -- it will be XML then, but the
markup is probably not what you need.



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