[Corpora-List] CFP: PACLING'03

Vlado Keselj vkeselj at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jan 16 21:23:00 UTC 2003


     [ Pacific Association for Computational LINGuistics ]

                      August 22-25, 2003
                     Dalhousie University
              Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 1W5


PACLING (Pacific Association for Computational LINGuistics) has
grown out of the very successful Japan-Australia joint symposia
on natural language processing held in November 1989 in Melbourne,
Australia and in October in Iizuka, Japan in 1991. The first five
meetings of the retitled PACLING, a name designed to express the
wider membership, took place in Vancouver, Canada in 1993, in
Brisbane, Australia in 1995, in Ohme, Tokyo, Japan in 1997, in
Waterloo, Canada in 1999, and in Kitakhyshu in 2001. The sixth
meeting will be hosted by:

* Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence
  (CSCSI)/Societe canadienne pour l'etude de l'intelligence
  par ordinateur (SCEIO)
* Dalhousie University, Canada
* GINIus., Inc.
* The Technical Group on Natural Language Understanding and
  Communication of Institute of Electronics, Information, and
  Communication Engineers of Japan
* The Technical Group on Thought and Language of Institute of
  Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers of Japan

PACLING'03 will be a low-profile, high-quality, workshop-oriented
meeting whose aim is to promote friendly scientific relations
among Pacific Rim countries, with emphasis on interdisciplinary
scientific exchange demonstrating openness towards good research
falling outside current dominant "schools of thought", and on
technological transfer within the Pacific region. The conference
represents a unique forum for scientific and technological
exchange, being smaller than ACL, COLING, or Applied NLP, and also
more regional with extensive representation from the Pacific.

Original papers are invited on any topic in computational
linguistics (and closely related areas) including, but not
limited to, the following:

* phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics,
* dialogues, spoken languages, corpora,
* text and message understanding and generation,
* language translation and translation aids,
* language learning and learning aids,
* question-answering systems and interfaces to (multimedia)
* databases, language and input/output devices,
* natural-language-based software.

Submission of Papers
Authors should prepare extended abstracts, in English, not more
than 3000 words including references. The title page must include:
author's name, postal address, e-mail address (if possible),
telephone and facsimile numbers; a brief 100--200 word summary;
and some key words for classifying the submission.

Papers that are being submitted to other conferences, whether
verbatim or in essence, must reflect this fact after key words.
If a paper appears at another conference, it must be withdrawn
from PACLING'03. Papers that violate these requirements are
subject to rejection without review.

Authors of a selection of representative papers which the Program
Committee identifies will be invited to revise their papers and
submit to a special issue of  one of several journals with whom
we are negotiating including Computational Intelligence: An
International Journal, Natural Language Engineering, and
Artificial Intelligence Review.

Please send four copies of each submission to:

    Tsutomu ENDO, Professor
    Department of Artificial Intelligence
    Kyushu Institute of Technology
    680-4 Kawazu, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-8502 Japan
    Tel. +81-948-29-7616
    Fax. +81-948-29-7601
    E-mail:endo at pluto.ai.kyutech.ac.jp
- or -
    Vlado KESELJ, Assistant Professor
    Faculty of Computer Science
    Dalhousie University
    6050 University Avenue,Halifax, NS B3H 1W5
    Tel. 1-902-494-2893
    Fax. 1-902-494-1517
    E-mail: vlado.keselj at dal.ca

    Submission deadline:            March 14, 2003
    Notification of acceptance:     May 15, 2003
    Camera-ready copy due:          June 20, 2003

Organizing committee
Members: Hiroshi Sakaki (Meisei University, Japan)
         Robert Dale (Macquarie University, Australia)
         Randy Goebel (University of Alberta, Canada)
         Sergei Nierenberg (New Mexico State University, USA)

Advisory committee
Members: Naoyuki Okada (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
         Yorick Wilks (Sheffield University, England)
         Christian Matthiessen (Macquarie University, Australia)
         Charles Fillmore (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Conference committee
Chairs:  Shun Ishizaki (Keio University, Japan)
         Nick Cercone (Dalhousie University, Canada)
Program coordinators:
         Vlado Keselj (Dalhousie University, Canada)
         Tsutomu Endo (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Aijun An (York University, Canada)
Chutiporn Anutariya (Institutt for Telematikk, Norway)
Francis Bond (NTT, Japan)
Sandra Carberry (University of Delaware, U.S.A.)
Charlie Clarke (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Robin Cohen (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Robert Dale (Macquarie University, Australia)
Hercules Dalianis (Royal Inst. of Tech., DSV-KTH, Sweden)
Amit Dubey (Universitat des Saarlands, Germany)
Chrysanne DiMarco (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Koichi Hasida (AIST, Japan)
Michael Higgins (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Graeme Hirst (University of Toronto, Canada)
Jimmy Huang (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Bowen Hui (University of Toronto, Canada)
Richard Kittredge (University of Montreal, Canada)
Kiyoshi Kogure  (ATR Laboratories, Japan)
Guy Lapalme (University of Montreal, Canada)
Dekang Lin (University of Alberta, Canada)
Charles Ling (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Qin Lu (Hon Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
Stan Matwin (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Robert Mercer (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Gordon McCalla (University of Sydney, Australia)
Paul McFetridge (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Kanlaya Naruedomkul (Mahidol University, Thailand)
Yoshihiko Nitta (Nihon University, Japan)
T. Pattabhiraman (Conversay, USA)
Fuchun Peng (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Gerald Penn (University of Toronto, Canada)
Fred Popowich (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
L. K. Schubert (University of Rochester, USA)
Dale Schuurmans (University of Waterloo,Canada)
Akira Shimazu (JAIST, Japan)
Booncharoen Sirinaovakul (KMUTT, Thailand)
Virach Sornlertlamvanich (NECTEC, Thailand)
Tomek Strzalkowski (SUNY Albany, USA)
Ryoichi Sugimura (Matsushita, Japan)
Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Thomas Trappenberg (Dalhousie University, Canada)
Jianna Zhang (Western Washington State, USA)
Ning Zhong (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Ingrid Zukerman (Monash University, Australia)

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