[Corpora-List] E.W. Beth Dissertation Award 03

Raffaella.Bernardi bernardi at let.uu.nl
Mon Jul 21 06:07:42 UTC 2003

************* E.W. Beth dissertation award: 2003 winner ****************

The selection for the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize for the year 2003 has
been concluded.  The quality of submissions was very high and the
competition intense.  After careful deliberation the committee has
reached the following decision:

   The E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize 2003 has been awarded to JASON
   BALDRIDGE (University of Edinburgh) for the dissertation ``Lexically
   Specified Derivational Control in Combinatory Categorial Grammar''.

The abstract can be found at: http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~nza/beth02

FoLLI would like to congratulate the winner for his excellent thesis,
and to thank all applicants who responded to the call for submissions and
the members of the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize Committee (Anne Abeille,
Natasha Alechina (chair), Patrick Blackburn, Nissim Francez, Valentin
Goranko, Larry Moss, Francesco Orilia, Manfred Pinkal, Christian Retore,
Rob van der Sandt and Henriette de Swart) for doing a great job.

An award ceremony will take place during ESSLLI 03 in Vienna, on Monday,
August 25 at 20:00 hrs.  For further information see the ESSLLI 03 web
page: http://www.logic.at/esslli03/

Finally, our thanks go to the E.W. Beth Foundation which kindly sponsors
the prize.

On behalf of FoLLI,

Raffaella Bernardi

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