[Corpora-List] COLT - Bergen Corpus of London Teenage Language

Norbert Schlueter nosch at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jun 12 14:06:14 UTC 2003

Dear all,

we would like to use a one-sentence-one-record (OROS) - version of  the tagged
COLT corpus for our current research. As with all corpora of this size the
conversion process requires careful planning as well as reliable test routines
to make sure nothing gets lost during the conversion process. Has anyone
successfully converted the original tagged version of COLT (ICAME CD, Second
Edition, 1999) to an OROS version and could give us some hints on the procedure
and/or would be willing to share some reliable (awk / perl) scripts?


Norbert Schlüter

Freie Universität Berlin
nosch at zedat.fu-berlin.de

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