[Corpora-List] EACL workshop on the Reuse of Evaluation Resources - Funding

Katerina Pastra e.pastra at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Mon Mar 17 13:33:36 UTC 2003

Dear all,

We are glad to announce that we are able to offer funding covering
travel costs (economy class return flight/train/coach) for a young researcher
or postgraduate student to attend our EACL workshop on the Reuse of Evaluation Resources,
to be held in Budapest, Hungary on the 14th of April 2003:

All interested should complete the attached form
[deleted and saved at: http://www.hit.uib.no/corpora/Grant.doc]
and send it by email to
Katerina Pastra: e.pastra at dcs.shef.ac.uk, by Sunday 30th of March 2003.

The successful candidate will
claim the travel costs after the workshop by sending us the receipts and tickets
for their travel. More details on these procedures will be announced in due course.

Please, don't hesitate to contact me for any queries you might have,

All best,

Katerina Pastra

Katerina Pastra
Research Associate & ILASH Research Co-ordinator
Natural Language Processing Group
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
Regent Court - Room G35
211 Portobello Street, Sheffield, U.K.
Tel. +44 114 2221945
Fax  +44 114 2221810

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