[Corpora-List] named entity recognition

Jose Maria Gomez Hidalgo jmgomez at dinar.esi.uem.es
Wed Mar 26 14:48:12 UTC 2003

At 14:57 26/03/2003 +0100, Friederike Schmidt wrote:
>I'm working on a tool for named entity recognition for English broadcast
>Does anybody know of any freely available NE-tagged corpora for testing?

Try the datasets used in the last CONLL workshops:


For 2002/03, the shared task is language independet NER; in 2002, there are 
Spanish and Dutch datasets; for 2003, there is an English dataset of news 
wire articles from the Reuters Corpus.

>Thanks for your help,


Jose Maria Gomez Hidalgo
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Universidad Europea de Madrid
28670 - Villaviciosa de Odon - MADRID
(+34) 912115670
jmgomez at dinar.esi.uem.es

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