[Corpora-List] Context 2003 - Call for partecipation

Roberta Ferrario roberta.ferrario at economia.unitn.it
Wed May 28 15:22:01 UTC 2003

       [Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement]

******************    Call for participation    ******************

        |                                                              |
        |                          CONTEXT'03                          |
        |                                                              |
        |   Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on   |
        |                  Modeling and Using Context                  |
        |                                                              |
        |                  Stanford, California (USA)                  |
        |                       June 23-25, 2003                       |
        |                                                              |
        |           (http://www.context.umcs.maine.edu/CONTEXT-03)     |
        |                                                              |

We are pleased to announce that the registration and accomodation 
reservation procedures for attending Context 2003 are open online.
Please, follow this link to formalize your registration:


You can also find links for alternative hotel solutions and travel tips.


Monday June 23, 2003
9:00-9:15   Welcome

9:15-10:15  Invited Talk 1: David Leake 
	    (Computer Science Department, Indiana University, USA)

10:15-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-12:30 Session 1: Natural Language I

    * Robert Porzel
      Contextual Natural Language Processing with Ontological and
      Situational Coherence

    * Hugo Liu
      Unpacking Meaning from Words: A Context-Centered Approach to
      Computational Lexicon Design

    * Martin Trautwein
      Comparatively True Types: a Set-Free Ontological Model of
      Interpretation and Evaluation Contexts

    * Mark Whitsey
      Discourse Context and Indexicality

12:30-14:15  Lunch

14:15:-15:05 Session 2: Context and Common Sense Reasoning

    * Ramanathan Guha and John McCarthy
      Varieties of Contexts

    * John Bell
      A Common Sense Theory of Causation

15:05:-15:55 Session 3: Logic of Context I

    * Rolf Nossum
      A Contextual Approach to the Logic of Fiction

    * Luciano Serafini
      Local Relational Model: a Logical Formalization of Database

16:00-16:30  Coffee Break

16:30:-17:45 Session 4: Context and Cognitive Modeling

    * Leslie Ganet, Patrick Brezilllon and Charles Tijus
      Explanation as Contextual Categorization

    * Agnes Giboreau, Isabel Urdapilleta and Jean Francois Richard
      Effects of Context on the Description of Olfactory Properties

    * Elisabetta Zibetti and Charles Tijus
      Perceiving Action from Static Images: the Role of Spatial Context

18:00 Informational and historical walking tour of the Stanford Campus
      and Palo Alto downtown. Refreshment in a nice pub garden.

Tuesday June 24, 2003

9:30-10:30  Invited Talk 2: Keith Devlin 
	    (CSLI, Stanford University, USA)

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:40 Session 5: Philosophical Foundations

    * Claudia Bianchi
      How To Refer: Objective Context vs. Intentional Context

    * Roger Young
      Demonstratives, Reference and Perception

    * Horacio Arlo-Costa
      A Theory of Contextual Propositions for Indicatives

    * Isidora Stojanovic
      What to Say on What Is Said

12:40-14:15  Lunch

14:15:-15:55 Session 6: Logic of Context II

    * Richmond Thomason
      Dynamic Contextual Intensional Logic: Logical Foundations and an

    * Sasa Buvac
      A Deduction Theorem for Modal Propositional Logic

    * Paolo Bouquet and Luciano Serafini
      On the Difference Between Bridge Rules and Lifting Axioms

    * Valeria de Paiva
      Natural Deduction and Context as (Constructive) Modality

16:00-16:30  Coffee Break

16:30:-18:30 Poster Session

20:30 Barbecue Dinner (Included in the registration fees).

Wednesday June 25, 2003

9:30-10:30  Invited Talk 3: Patrick Brezillon 
	    (LIP 6, University Paris 6, France)

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:40 Session 7: Context-aware Applications

    * Ghita Kouadri Mostifaoui and Patrick Brizillon
      A Generic Framework for Context-Based Distributed Authorizations

    * Robert P. Arritt and Roy M. Turner
      Context-Sensitive Weights for a Neural Network

    * Lucas Paletta
      Predictive Visual Context in Object Detection

    * Seiie Jang and Woontack Woo
      ubi-UCAM: A Unified Context-Aware Application Model

12:40-14:15  Lunch

14:15:-15:30 Session 8: Natural Language II

    * Nobo Komagata
      Contextual Effects on Word Order: Information Structure and
      Information Theory

    * Kavita Thomas
      Modelling "but" in Task-Oriented Dialogue

    * David Ahn
      Presupposition Accommodation in Adverbial Quantification

15:30-16:00  Coffee Break

16:00:-16:50 Session 9: Natural Language III

    * Dominic Widdows
      A Mathematical Model for Context and Word-Meaning

    * Paolo Bouquet, Bernardo Magnini, Luciano Serafini and 
      Stefano Zanobini
      A SAT-based Algorithm for Context Matching

16:50-17:00 Closing Remarks


Fausto Giunchiglia    (Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy)


Patrick Blackburn	    (LORIA, France)
Chiara Ghidini 	    (University of Liverpool, UK)
Roy Turner            (University of Maine, USA)


Dikran Karagueuzian  (dikran at roslin.stanford.edu)   
Michele King         (mking at csli.stanford.edu)   
John Perry           (john at csli.stanford.edu)   
Keith Devlin         (devlin at csli.stanford.edu)   
Elisabetta Zibetti   (ezibetti at psych.stanford.edu) 

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