[Corpora-List] Call for Papers: The Setting up of Observables in Linguistics (COLDOC’ 2004)

Sylvain Loiseau sylvain.loiseau at u-paris10.fr
Thu Nov 13 22:18:08 UTC 2003

(apologies for multiple posting)

        COLDOC’ 2004

    The Setting up of Observables in Linguistics

Young researchers’ conference - Nanterre, France - April 29 & 30, 2004

The young researchers of Modèle, Dynamique, Corpus (UMR 7114 CNRS – Université
Paris-X Nanterre) research team, are organizing a young researchers’
conference, scheduled for April 29 and 30, 2004, at Paris X-Nanterre Université

The setting up of observables in linguistics is the central topic of this
conference, i.e. defining and making use of both attested and constructed data.
Young researchers from all fields and domains of linguistics are, therefore,
invited to submit a paper. Postgraduate, Ph. D. and postdoc students are
invited to provide useful insights and experience on their respective research

Communications addressing methodological and theoretical issues related to the
process of setting up linguistic data, as well as data collection and
utilization are expected. For example, communications addressing one of the
following issues are expected:
- Relevance and selection of linguistic data;
- Corpora and emerging linguistic phenomena;
- Oral, written or signed data collection methodology and practice;
- Questions related to corpora related tools, transcription and encoding;
- The use and place of quantitative methods, both generic and specific;
- Qualitative methods;
- Language, text genres or discourse comparison.

Each conference session will start by an invited speaker’s talk. A roundtable
will be held at the end of the conference. Communications should last 20
minutes, followed by 10 minutes for questions.

The deadline for proposals is set on January 26, 2004. Communication proposals
will be evaluated anonymously by the scientific committee. Authors are invited
to send two separate files, in Word format: first a two pages long summary
(3000 signs) of their communication, second a file stating the authors’ names,
e-mail address, affiliation, together with the title of their communication.
Authors may also state their preference regarding the format of their
communication: oral, or poster. Communications will be evaluated according to a
range of selection criterions, favoring those papers which fully address the
issue stated above, which show methodological relevance and scientific
interest, and which state their point clearly.

Communication proposals, as well as other requests should be addressed to:
<sylvain.loiseau at u-paris10.fr>, or by postal mail, to the following address:

    ColDoc’ 2004 MoDyCo (UMR 7114)
    Secrétariat sciences du langage
    Université Paris-X Nanterre, Bât. L
    200, avenue de la République
    92001 Nanterre Cedex

We look forward to welcoming you at Nanterre Université for the occasion of the
The Organizing Committee: Antonio Balvet, Sophie Hamon, Sylvain Loiseau, Ali
Tifrit, Cécile Vigouroux.

Scientific Committee:
Driss Ablali
Karine Baschung
Gabriel Bergounioux
Simon Bouquet
Nick Clements
Marcel Cori
Sophie David
Annie Delaveau
Bernard Fradin
Françoise Gadet
Nathalie Gasiglia
Philippe Gréa
Françoise Kerleroux
Mark Klein
Anne Lacheret
Bernard Laks
Sarah Leroy
Colette Noyau
Thierry Poibeau
François Rastier
Tobias Scheer
Pascale Sébillot
Anna Sores
Nathalie Vallée
Florence Villoing
Geoffrey Williams.

Important dates:
Submission deadline: January 26, 2004
Authors’ notification of acceptance: March 22, 2004
Conference: April 29 & 30, 2004

The Setting up of Observables in Linguistics
ColDoc’2004 – Modyco (UMR 7114) young researchers’ conference
Paris X Nanterre, Salle des colloques, Bâtiment B
200, avenue de la République
92001 Nanterre Cedex

Web site: http://infolang.u-paris10.fr/modyco/textes/actualites/Page.html

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