[Corpora-List] spanglish corpus

William Fletcher fletcher at usna.edu
Wed Sep 24 12:33:33 UTC 2003

By coincidence on Monday 22 Sept  there was a report and author
interview on National Public Radio's Morning Edition on the book
"Spanglish: The Making of a New American Language" by Ilan Stavans of
Amherst College.  I have no idea how systematic he was in gathering his
material, but he might be able to point the way.

The interview can be heard at
http://www.npr.org/display_pages/features/feature_1438900.html , where
there is also a rendition of part of Don Quijote in Spanglish.

The publisher has some excerpts on the website:

This page has a link to his email:

There must some on-line US radio stations where you can liisten to
Spanglish.  Our local (Washington DC area) Spanish-language station ("la
Mega -- el poder latino") sometimes plays comic skits in Spanglish and
pseudo-Spanglish, the latter mixing plausible-sounding but non-existent
Spanish words which are anglified and vice-versa.

Good luck with your thesis!
Bill Fletcher

P.S. Als je een beetje goochem bent kun je vast met Google wat teksten
bij elkaar goochelen.

>>> Paul van <paulvanels at yahoo.com> 09/22/03 8:20 AM >>>


I'm a student of Spanish language and literature in Nijmegen, the
Netherlands. Currently I'm writing my final thesis on Spanish in the
United States of America, more specifically the influence of English on
Spanish, and the language that's starting to spread due to language
contact; Spanglish.

In order to be able to write a good paper, I'm still looking (untill now
unsuccessfully) for a corpus of texts in one of the Spanglish regional
varieties. These texts should preferably be of coloquial character and
possible, should include records of different levels of speech, i.e.
slang, standard and formal speech.

This e-mail address was handed over to me by my teacher and I'm hoping
that you could possibly help me out on my missing link. Any help
whatsoever is of great use to me.

Do you have a corpus of Spanglish texts or do you know of any existing

Thank you very much,

Paul van Els
student of Spanish
Catholic University of Nijmegen, Netherlands

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