[Corpora-List] Workshop: Speech and Language Technology for Vehicles

Bernhard Schröder B.Schroeder at uni-bonn.de
Fri Dec 17 18:15:42 UTC 2004

Call for Posters
Workshop: Speech and Language Technology for Vehicles

Workshop of the GLDV AK Hypermedia held in conjunction with the
Biennial Conference of the Society of Computational Linguistics
and Language Technology (GLDV) 2005

31 March 2005,  University of Bonn, Germany



While developing and deploying information and communication systems for
vehicles it is essential to take care of following issues
a) the user has limited possibilities to interact with such systems
concerning system control
b) the user does not draw his primary attention on system interaction
due to the fact of controlling his vehicle
c) the interaction with systems in vehicles is heavily distorted by
acoustical and optical signal noise

Due to these circumstances it is necessary to develop and deploy
information and communictaion systems which are integrated as multi
modal systems
where speech and language technology is the main interface in
human-machine communication.
There is a big challenge to such natural interaction systems according
the signal noise and for this reason such a system
has to be exceeding in roboustness.

The aim of the workshop is to discuss current research activities and
running applications of concerning speech and language technology
in the vehicle domain. The workshop should provide an overview of
research and applied systems.

The workshop has two parts: a speaker session and a poster session. The
workshop language is German as well as English.

** Speakers **

- Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rigoll/ N.N. (MMK, TU München): t.t.b.a.
- PD Dr. Mark Vollrath (Institut für Verkehrsführung und
Fahrzeugsteuerung, DLR): "Sprechen und Fahren - Lösung oder Problem?"
- Stefan W. Hamerich (TEMIC Speech Dialog Systems): "Sprachdialogsysteme
in Automobil -- Ein Überblick"

** Postersession **

We welcome posters in the domain of speech and language technology for
vehicles (incl. automotive, aviation, railway etc...)

** Important Dates: **

- Abstracts of max. 500 Words in Word, PDF or plain Ascii
- Please send your abstract per Email to the organisers
- Deadline: 15.2.2005
- Acceptance: 1.3.2005

** Organisers:**

- Hans-Christian Schmitz, IKP/ Universität Bonn <hcs at ikp.uni-bonn.de>
- Christian Weiss, IKP/ Universität Bonn <cwe at ikp.uni-bonn.de>

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