[Corpora-List] Q: How to identify duplicates in a large document collection

Alexander Clark asc at aclark.demon.co.uk
Wed Dec 22 18:00:56 UTC 2004

One way that I have used on a collection of about 50K documents is to
construct a suffix array + longest common prefix table. This will allow
you to identify every "exactly" repeated string in the corpus.
This can be done in (where n is total length of all documents) O(n log
n) easily or, or O(n) with a bit of work.
This assumes that the duplicated portions of the documents are exact.
If all you are doing is looking for exact duplicates then just compute a
good hash function for each file and sort them.

This is related to the problem of finding all maximal repeats in a
string of length n which can be done in linear time.

"Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences: Computer Science and
Computational Biology" by
Gusfield   (CUP) 1997 is the standard textbook for this stuff.

On Wed, 2004-12-22 at 16:45, Ralf Steinberger wrote:
> We are facing the task of having to find duplicate and near-duplicate
> documents in a collection of about 1 million texts. Can anyone give us
> advice on how to approach this challenge?
> The documents are in various formats (html, PDF, MS-Word, plain text,
> ...) so that we intend to first convert them to plain text. It is
> possible that the same text is present in the document collection in
> different formats.
> For smaller collections, we identify (near)-duplicates by applying
> hierarchical clustering techniques, but with this approach, we are
> limited to a few thousand documents.
> Any pointers are welcome. Thank you.
> Ralf Steinberger
> European Commission - Joint Research Centre
> http://www.jrc.it/langtech
Alexander Clark asc at aclark.demon.co.uk alexc at cs.rhul.ac.uk
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science,
Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX
Direct 01784 443430 Department 01784 434455 Fax 01784 439786

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