[Corpora-List] Web Corpus and Topic Signatures for all WordNet 1.6 Nominal Senses
jibloleo at sc.ehu.es
Tue Dec 28 18:24:21 UTC 2004
Dear list members,
we are pleased to announce the public release of version 1.0 of our Web
Corpus and Topic Signatures for all WordNet 1.6 Nominal Senses. These
resources were first presented at LREC 2004 (Agirre and Lopez de
Lacalle, 2004), but we have updated and revised them.
They have been succesfully used for a variety of tasks including word
sense disambiguation (Agirre and Martinez, 2004), measuring simmilarity
among word senses (Agirre et al. 2004) and clustering word senses
(Agirre and Lopez de Lacalle, 2003).
These resources can be downloaded and browsed from the following url:
Comments and feedback is most welcome.
Oier Lopez de Lacalle
Eneko Agirre
David Martinez
Ixa research group
Agirre, E., E. Alfonseca, and O. Lopez, 2004.
Approximating hierachy-based similarity for wordnet nominal synsets
using topic signatures
Proc.of the 2nd Global WordNet Conference
Agirre E., Martinez D., 2004.
Unsupervised WSD based on automatically retrieved examples: The
importance of bias
Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language
Processing (EMNLP). Barcelona, Spain.
Agirre, E. and O. Lopez, 2003.
Clustering wordnet word senses
Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advances on Natural Language
Agirre E., Lopez de Lacalle Lekuona O. 2004
Publicly available topic signatures for all WordNet nominal senses
Proceedings of the 4rd International Conference on Languages Resources
and Evaluations (LREC). Lisbon, Portugal
** jibloleo at si.ehu.es **
** Oier Lopez de Lacalle Lekuona **
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