[Corpora-List] tagging request

Eckhard Bick lineb at hum.au.dk
Fri Feb 13 06:42:21 UTC 2004


VISL has a free upload interface for automatic tagging/parsing of
several languages at its website http://beta.visl.sdu.dk. Texts are
tagged/parsed not only for PoS, but also for syntactic function and
structure, where desired. The French system, FrAG, is hybrid and based
on a combination of Helmut Schmid's decision tree tagger (already
mentioned in another answer to your mail) and my own Constraint Grammar
and PSG modules for PoS correction and syntax. FrAG is currently being
used for corpus annotation (http://corp.hum.sdu.dk) and grammar teaching.

Eckhard Bick

S.Campano wrote:

>Dear list members,
>We are a group of three students registered in computational linguistics at
>the university Paris 7. We have to work on a research project to be handed
>at the end of the term and we agreed with the teachers who supervise us to
>use the tagger Amalgam.
>Unfortunately, it seems that the website is out of order : after sending
>three emails, we still have no answer.
>Could you please help us and recommend other online taggers to us ? A tagger
>from the ICE model would particularly interest us.
>Thank you very much.
>Best wishes.
>Claire Marquet
>Elisabeth Chenevois
>Sabrina Campano

Eckhard Bick,
cand.med., dr.phil.
Southern Denmark University
e-mail: lineb at hum.au.dk
web: http://beta.visl.sdu.dk

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