[Corpora-List] Call for participation

Menno van Zaanen M.M.vanZaanen at uvt.nl
Wed Feb 18 08:37:26 UTC 2004

(Apologies if you receive this message more than once)




Omphalos is the first context-free language learning competition that
forms part of ICGI-2004 (See http://iit.demokritos.gr/icgi04/). The
task is to infer a model of a context-free language from unstructured
examples (both positive and negative) and to use that model to label a
set of test sentences as being either in or out of the language.

The Competition Task

We have generated some context-free grammars. For each grammar we have
labelled a set of sentences indicating whether or not those sentences
can be generated from that grammar. The goal of the competition is to
infer a model of each language (such as a grammar) using the training
data. You then need to tag new sentences, indicating whether the
sentences are in the language or not.

Important Dates

February 15th 2004        Competition begins
October   1st 2004        Competition closes
October  11th 2004        Competition winner announced
October  11th-13th 2004   Omphalos session at ICGI-2004

More Information

For more information, check the website:
or contact the organizers at:
omphalos at irisa.fr

Omphalos is being organized and administered by:
Brad Starkie, François Coste, and Menno van Zaanen

------------------------------- Structural linguistics is a bitterly divided
- Menno van Zaanen            - and unhappy discipline, and a large number of
- mvzaanen at uvt.nl             - practitioners spend too many nights drowning
- http://ilk.uvt.nl/~mvzaanen - their problems in Ouisghian Zodahs.
-------------------------------              -Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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