[Corpora-List] ACL-SIGLEX Call for nominations

ak28 Adam.Kilgarriff at itri.brighton.ac.uk
Thu Jun 17 22:08:45 UTC 2004

Association for Computational Linguistics
        Special Interest Group on the Lexicon


is seeking nominations for new officers and committee
members.  For terms of reference, archive of SIGLEX
activity etc see http://www.siglex.org

The main activities of the SIG have been as sponsor of
SIGLEX workshops, and as parent organization to
SENSEVAL, the series of evaluation exercises for Word
Sense Disambiguation systems: see
http://www.siglex.org         http://www.senseval.org

Nominations are due by June 28th for
  * president
  * secretary
  * committee members (6 places;
    all bar Ken Litkowski, webmaster, due for replacement)

The person nominated must be an ACL member as must the
person doing the nominating.

A candidate list will be circulated by 10th July.

The next SIGLEX meeting will be a short (10 mins) session
within the SENSEVAL workshop in Barcelona (in association
with  ACL) on 25 or 26 July 2004.

In the event that an election is required, the voting will
be by email (for people not at that meeting) or in person
(for people at that meeting).  Our goal is that the new
officials and committee can be announced at that meeting.

Please send all nominations to fellbaum at princeton.edu

	Thank you

		Adam Kilgarriff (outgoing president)
		Christiane Fellbaum (outgoing secretary)

Adam Kilgarriff
University of Brighton and
Lexicography Masterclass
+44 (0)1273 642919 OR 705773
adam at itri.bton.ac.uk adam at lexmasterclass.com

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