[Corpora-List] token clustering tool

Jose Maria Gomez Hidalgo jmgomez at uem.es
Tue May 11 08:19:33 UTC 2004

At 09:24 11/05/2004, Murk Wuite wrote:
>Dear all,
>Does anyone know of a tool (or algorithm), preferably available freely
>for research purposes, that takes as its input a corpus only and
>produces as its output clusters of tokens that occur close to each other
>relatively often?

It is possible that the document clustering toolkit CLUTO fit your 
necessities, perhaps with some adaptation.

>Best wishes,
>Murk Wuite
>MA student at the Department of Language and Speech, Katholieke
>Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Jose Maria Gomez Hidalgo
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Universidad Europea de Madrid
28670 - Villaviciosa de Odon - MADRID
(+34) 912115670
jmgomez at uem.es

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