[Corpora-List] Student Research Workshop at ACL-05 - Call for Papers
Stephen Wan
swan at ics.mq.edu.au
Sun Nov 28 22:23:17 UTC 2004
Student Research Workshop at ACL-05
June 25-30 2005
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
1. General Invitation for Submissions
The Student Research Workshop is an established tradition at ACL
conferences. The workshop provides a venue for student
researchers investigating topics in Computational Linguistics
and Natural Language Processing to present their work and receive
feedback. Participants will have the opportunity to receive feedback
both from the general audience and from selected panelists --
experienced researchers who prepare in-depth comments and questions in
advance of the presentation. One paper will be selected for the ACL-05
Student Research Workshop Best Paper Award.
We invite all student researchers to submit their work to the
workshop. As the main goal of the workshop is to provide feedback, the
emphasis is on work in progress.
This year we will have two tracks for student papers:
* TRACK 1: Original and unpublished research
* TRACK 2: PhD thesis abstracts
The research being presented can come from any topic areas within
computational linguistics including, but not limited to:
* pragmatics, discourse, semantics, syntax and the lexicon
* phonetics, phonology and morphology
* linguistic, mathematical and psychological models of language
* information retrieval, information extraction, question answering
* summarization and paraphrasing
* speech recognition, speech synthesis
* corpus-based language modeling
* multi-lingual processing, machine translation, translation aids
* spoken and written natural language interfaces, dialogue systems
* multi-modal language processing, multimedia systems
* message and narrative understanding systems
The main conference also features tutorials, workshops, and
demos. More information on these can be found at the main ACL-05 page,
2. Submission Requirements
The requirements for the papers depend on which of the two
tracks you submit to.
The emphasis of first track is original and unpublished research.
These papers should describe original work, still in progress. This track
aimed at students who have settled on their thesis direction but who still
have significant research left to do. Papers should clearly indicate
directions for future research wherever appropriate.
- The papers may have more than one author; however, all authors MUST be
- Paper submitted for this track are eligible only if they have not been
at any other meeting with publicly available published proceedings.
- Students who have already presented at an ACL/EACL/NAACL student session
may not submit to this track.
Those students in the final stages of their thesis should consider
submitting instead to the second track for thesis abstracts. The emphasis
is on presenting significant research towards a PhD, with the opportunity
of getting feedback from the community before submitting the thesis. This
track does not have the requirement that work be unpublished, and advanced
students are also encouraged to submit their work to the main conference.
- The paper must be authored solely by the student.
3. Submission Procedure
Submissions for both tracks should follow the two-column format of ACL
proceedings and should not exceed six (6) pages, including references.
We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word
files tailored for this year's conference. These are now available from
web pages of ACL-05 and the student research workshop. A description of
format is also available in case you are unable to use these style files
Submission must be electronic. The following formats are acceptable:
PostScript (.ps), Rich Text Format ACL style (.rtf),
Microsoft Word ACL style (.doc) and PDF (.pdf). The electronic submissions
should be sent in an attachment to the following e-mail address:
acl05-student at ics.mq.edu.au
In the body of the e-mail, please include the following
identification information:
* Title
* Author(s) name(s), affiliation, and e-mail addresses
* Topic Area: (one or two general topic areas, see list above)
* Keywords: Up to 5 keywords specifying the subject area
* Under Consideration for Other Conferences: (if yes, please specify)
* Abstract: short summary (up to 5 lines)
* Which track you are submitting to
In addition, we ask you to submit a statement confirming that you
are a student and have not presented at an ACL/EACL/NAACL student
session before. You can email this statement to
acl05-student at ics.mq.edu.au
4. Reviewing Procedure
Reviewing of papers submitted to the Student Workshop will be managed
by the Student Workshop Co-Chairs, with the assistance of a team of
reviewers. Each submission will be matched with a mixed panel of
student and senior researchers for review. The final acceptance
decision will be based on the results of the review.
Note that reviewing of papers will be blind; therefore, please make
sure your paper shows the title, but no author information. You
should likewise not have any self-identifying references anywhere in
the paper submitted for review. For example, rather than this:
"We showed previously (Smith, 2001), ...",
use citations such as: "Smith (2001) previously showed ...".
5. Schedule
Submissions must be received by February 8th, 2005. Late submissions
will be automatically disqualified. Acknowledgment will be
e-mailed soon after receipt. Notification of acceptance will be sent to
authors (by e-mail) on March 26th, 2005. Detailed formatting guidelines
for the preparation of the final camera-ready copy will be provided to
authors with their acceptance notice.
Important Dates:
Paper submissions deadline: February 8th, 2005
Notification of acceptance: March 26th, 2005
Camera ready papers due: April 25th, 2005
Conference date: June 25-30, 2005
6. Travel Grants
Funding is available for students whose work is accepted to the
Student Research Workshop. For more information about travel grants
(including the form), please check the ACL-2005 Student Research Workshop
webpage, http://www.aclweb.org/acl2005/ or contact the Co-Chairs of the
Research Workshop.
7. Contact Information
If you need to contact the Co-Chairs of the Student Workshop,
please use:
acl05-student at ics.mq.edu.au
An e-mail sent to this address will be forwarded to all Co-Chairs.
Chris Callison-Burch
Edinburgh University
Stephen Wan
Macquarie University
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