[Corpora-List] 5th Conference "Hellenic Language and Terminology" - Call for Papers

Elina elina at ilsp.gr
Sun Oct 10 13:39:29 UTC 2004

5th Conference 
"Hellenic Language and Terminology"

13-15 October 2005, Nicosia, CYPRUS

Call for Papers

Deadline for abstracts: March 5, 2005


The Hellenic Society for Terminology (ELETO) in cooperation with the University of Cyprus, organize the 5th Conference "Hellenic Language and Terminology".

The aim of the Conference is both to present the current situation of the Hellenic Language and Terminology as it is formed within the multilingual environment of the European Union as well as in relation with the requirements of the developing Information Society, and to coordinate the terminological work in Greece and Cyprus.

The thematic structure of the Conference is:

1.       Diachronic aspects of Terminology

2.       Linguistic-Ontological principles of Terminology (Terminology and knowledge, designating principles and methods, etc.)

3.       Terminology didactics

4.       Terminology in specific subject fields - Lexicographical and terminographical studies

5.       Terminological resources (special and multilingual dictionaries, term selections, special corpora). 

6.       Standardization and pre-standardization of Terminology (internationalization of concepts, and interlingual standardization and equivalence of terms, terminology proposals).

7.       New technologies and Terminology.

8.       Terminology and Translation.

9.       Activities of organizations and bodies for Terminology.

The Conference is open to everyone interested in the Hellenic language and terminology. 

Official languages of the Conference will be Greek, English and French.

The Conference will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus on 13-15 October 2005.

Participants wishing to present a paper at the Conference are invited to submit an abstract. The abstract should be written in one of the official languages of the Conference and should not be less than 120 words nor exceed 200 words.

The following items must appear on the page of the abstract:

a)       title, place and time of the Conference: 5th Conference "Hellenic Language and Terminology", Nicosia, CYPRUS, 13-15 October, 2005,

b)       title of the paper,

c)       name, profession, full address, tel. no/fax no and e-mail of the author(s), and

d)       a statement of the author(s) about which of the thematic titles above the paper comes under.

The abstract should be written in electronic form (MS WORD 2000 doc format) and sent by e-mail, as an attached file, to: valeonti at otenet.gr, up to March 5, 2005. 

The Scientific Committee of the Conference will examine the abstracts until 5 April 2005 and send the authors of the selected papers the necessary information for the preparation of the full texts of their papers. Those texts should be sent to ELETO, in electronic form, before June 15, 2005.

Conference Secretariat : 

In Greece:

Mr.  A. Alexopoulos:           tel. +30 210 6118911/     e-mail:    aalexopoulos at ote.gr

Mr.  T. Orphanos:                tel. +30 210 6111020 /    e-mail:    torfanos at ote.gr

Ms.  K. Zeriti:                        tel. +30 210 6115636

Ms.  P.Papadopoulou:       tel. +30 210 9323243

Web site:                             http://sfr.ee.teiath.gr/orogramma.htm


In Cyprus:

Ms. Elizabeth Sivas            tel. +357 99 86 59 89/ fax: +357 22 75 83 13

Address:                                University of Cyprus, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, P.O.B. 20537, 1678 Nicosia, CYPRUS

E-mail:                                  cyprusling at ucy.ac.cy

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