[Corpora-List] Korpus of Early Modern Playtexts in English

Eckhard Bick lineb at hum.au.dk
Fri Oct 29 07:45:35 UTC 2004

Dear all,

I would like to announce a new, internet searchable, password-free,
corpus resource for English, KEMPE ('Korpus of Early Modern Playtexts in
English'). The corpus has been grammatically annotated with token based
tags at the morphological/PoS and syntactic levels. With 8.9 million
words, it has exceptionally good coverage of its genre.

The corpus was compiled by Lene B. Petersen and Marcus X. Dahl
(University of Bristol, UK) in association with the VISL project
(University of Southern Denmark), and is now searchable through a
user-friendly interface at http://corp.hum.sdu.dk (click on round
English flag).

The interface allows menu based complex searches for PoS, syntactic
function etc. Concordances can be context sorted and statistically

For specifics, please contact lene.petersen at uwe.ac.uk (corpus content)
or eckhard.bick at mail.dk (corpus site).

Best regards,
Eckhard Bick

P.S. If you aren't interested in Shakespearean English, you might still
want to check out http://corp.hum.sdu.dk. It contains about 400 million
words of grammatically annotated and searchable corpora in 7 languages
(pt, da, en, fr, de, es, eo).

Eckhard Bick,
cand.med., dr.phil.
University of Southern Denmark
e-mail: eckhard.bick at mail.dk
web: http://beta.visl.sdu.dk

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