[Corpora-List] Query about corpora of spoken English

Amy Isard amyi at inf.ed.ac.uk
Mon Dec 5 14:25:19 UTC 2005


> > R.M.Salkie at bton.ac.uk wrote:
> >
> > 2.  Is there software available to align texts and sound files: 
> > for example, software that enables the user to listen to any part 
> > of the document by clicking on a word in the text?

> Briony Williams wrote:
> d) MATE workbench ("a program designed to aid in the display, editing and 
> querying of annotated speech corpora")
> http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~dmck/MateCode/

The MATE project was followed by the NITE project, and the original 
software is now out of date, it was superseded by the NITE XML toolkit 
which is more flexible and robust:

Amy Isard

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