[Corpora-List] [sem] Last CfP: Int. Conf. on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

Valia Kordoni kordoni at CoLi.Uni-SB.DE
Thu Feb 3 10:12:02 UTC 2005

[Apologies for multiple postings]

                                LAST CALL FOR PAPERS

                                   HPSG 2005
                      The 12th International Conference on
                      Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

                                Lisbon, Portugal
                               August 22-24, 2005


The 12th International Conference on HPSG will take place in Lisbon on
22-24 August 2005, hosted by University of Lisbon, Faculty of
Sciences, Department of Informatics. The conference will include a
workshop on "Binding Theory and Invariants in Anaphoric Relations" on
August 22.

                                 MAIN CONFERENCE
                                23-24 August 2004

Abstracts are solicited for 30 minute presentations (followed by 10
minutes of discussion) which address linguistic, foundational, or
computational issues relating to the framework of Head-Driven Phrase
Structure Grammar.

                                 INVITED SPEAKERS

To be announced

             "Binding Theory and Invariants in Anaphoric Relations"
                                  22 August 2005

Anaphoric invariants and binding theory have been one of the central
topics in formal linguistics and there have been interesting recent
developments in semantic approaches to binding theory, in the research
from psycholinguistics and neuro-imaging, and in the study of the
connections between binding and discourse.  The aim of the workshop is
to stimulate the exchange of contributions on this subject between
HPSG and the results arising from other methodological or theoretical

A separate call containing a detailed description of the workshop can
be found at: http://bindingwksp.di.fc.ul.pt.

The format of submission and the deadlines for the workshop are
identical to that of the main conference.

                               SUBMISSION DETAILS

For both the main conference and the workshop, we invite E-MAIL
submissions of abstracts for presentations which should consist of two

1. a separate information page in plain text format, containing
    - author name(s)
    - affiliation(s)
    - e-mail and postal address(es)
    - title of paper

2. an extended abstract of not more than 5 (five) pages, including all
figures and references. Abstracts should be in PDF format.

All abstracts should be sent to Manfred Sailer
(manfred.sailer at phil.uni-goettingen.de).

Abstracts for the main conference should mention 'HPSG-05' and
abstracts for the workshop should mention 'binding-05' in the
subject line. All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least
two reviewers. Authors are asked to avoid self-references in the

                                 IMPORTANT DATES

Abstract submission deadline: February 15, 2005
Notification of acceptance:   April 15, 2005
Workshop and Conference:      August 22-24, 2005


The proceedings of the conference will be published on-line by CSLI
publications. A call for papers for contributions will be issued after
the conference. On-line proceedings of previous conferences are
available at http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/

                       PROGRAM COMMITTEE for the CONFERENCE

Raul Aranovich (Davis)
Doug Arnold (Colchester)
Emily Bender (Washington)
Olivier Bonami (Paris)
António Branco (Lisbon)
Berthold Crysmann (Saarbruecken)
Anke Holler (Heidelberg)
Valia Kordoni (Saarbruecken)
Palmira Marrafa (Lisbon)
Tsuneko Nakazawa (Tokyo)
Gerald Penn (Toronto)
Alexander Rosen (Prague)
Manfred Sailer (Goettingen, chair)
Gautam Sengupta (Hyderabad)
Jesse Tseng (Nancy)
Stephen Wechsler (Austin)
Shuly Winter (Haifa)

                              LOCAL ORGANIZATION

António Branco (Lisbon, chair)
Francisco Costa (Lisbon)
Filipe Nunes (Lisbon)

                             FURTHER INFORMATION

local organization: António Branco
                     Antonio.Branco at di.fc.ul.pt

program and submissions: Manfred Sailer
                          manfred.sailer at phil.uni-goettingen.de

conference web site: http://hpsg2005.di.fc.ul.pt

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