[Corpora-List] Corpora of English: 1500s - early/mid-1900s

Mark Davies Mark_Davies at byu.edu
Tue Jun 7 17:18:18 UTC 2005

I am trying to find information on all corpora of English from the 1500s
- early/mid-1900s.  Based on other sources such as David Lee's website
(devoted.to/corpora), I have created a tentative listing:


The web page contains a table that shows the corpus name/URL, historical
period, approx. number of words, and contents/genre.  It also lists
whether the corpus is free(ly available), can be purchased, or is not
available to the public.

There are undoubtedly some omissions and incorrect information.  Please
feel free to inform me of such, and I will update it on the website.

Thanks in advance,

Mark Davies


Mark Davies
Assoc. Prof., Linguistics
Brigham Young University
(phone) 801-422-9168 / (fax) 801-422-0906


** Corpus design and use // Linguistic databases **
** Historical linguistics // Language variation **
** English, Spanish, and Portuguese **


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