[Corpora-List] Portuguese thesaurus

Valerie Mapelli mapelli at elda.org
Wed May 4 07:03:15 UTC 2005

Dear Mr Davies,

You may find interesting databases of Portuguese on the ELDA catalogue at: 
In particular the LORETO Thesaurus contains Portuguese entries: 
Several other Portuguese lexica may also be of interest to you.

Best regards,

Valerie Mapelli

At 16:36 02/05/2005 -0600, Mark Davies wrote:
>I'm looking for a machine-readable thesaurus of Portuguese.  I've
>already tried two links to Portuguese WordNet
>http://www.instituto-camoes.pt/WordNet/index.jsp) but neither is
>operational.  I've also tried the links at
>http://www.linguateca.pt/enciclopedias.html, but no luck.
>Thanks in advance.
>Mark Davies
>Mark Davies
>Assoc. Prof., Linguistics
>Brigham Young University
>(phone) 801-422-9168 / (fax) 801-422-0906
>** Corpus design and use // Linguistic databases **
>** Historical linguistics // Language variation **
>** English, Spanish, and Portuguese **

Please note change in ELDA email/web address:
elda.fr becomes ELDA.ORG
Valérie Mapelli
Project Leader - Technical & Commercial Services
ELRA/ELDA                        tel: +33 1 43 13 33 33
55-57 rue Brillat-Savarin        fax: +33 1 43 13 33 30
75013 Paris - France            email: mapelli at elda.org

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