[Corpora-List] Spoken corpora - permission issues

Jean Veronis Jean.Veronis at up.univ-mrs.fr
Thu May 12 06:45:03 UTC 2005

Cameron Smart a écrit :

>participants aren't necessarily aware of the recording taking place. Several
>people struck a very cautionary note, one even saying that, in the UK at
>least, these types of corpora might be a thing of the past unless I went and
>got explicit permission not only from the volunteer but every other person
>who was recorded as well.
The law may be different in different countries. In France the situation
is clear, you cannot record, and worse yet re-distribute anybody's voice
and/or transcribed speech without explicit authorisation, even if
anonymity is guaranteed.

Beyond legal aspects, there are also ethics issues. Even if some
countries allow this (which I am not sure), do we want to record people
without their knowing (even on trivial matters) ?


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