[Corpora-List] Re:

Min-Yen Kan knmnyn at gmail.com
Fri May 13 14:10:17 UTC 2005

Hi Grazia:

Yes, the Levin classes have been put up by John Lawler at U. Michigan.
 His resources include a verb index as well as a category listing.


Simple post processing of this list can be done to place this into a
database form suitable for automated lookups.

Hope this helps,

Min-Yen Kan
Nat'l Univ. of Singapore

On 5/13/05, Grazia Russo-Lassner <glassner at umiacs.umd.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> has anyone ever put Levin's verb classes in an electronic format
> (independently of the current VerbNet, LCS applications) ? I would need
> just a simple series of .txt files listing verbs and their classes.
> Thank you,
> Grazia


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