[Corpora-List] RE: Constitution

Richard.Sutcliffe Richard.Sutcliffe at ul.ie
Wed May 25 14:39:51 UTC 2005


The Irish Constitution does:

Article 8.
1. The Irish language as the national language is the first official
2. The English language is recognised as a second official language.
3. Provision may, however, be made by law for the exclusive use of either of
the said languages for any one or more official purposes, either throughout
the State or in any part thereof.

Airteagal 8.
1. O/s i/ an Ghaeilge an teanga na/isiu/nta is i/ an phri/omhtheanga
oifigiu/il i/.
2. Glactar leis an Sacs-Bhe/arla mar theanga oifigiu/il eile.
3. Ach fe/adfar socru/ a dhe/anamh le dli/ d'fhonn ceachtar den da/ theanga
sin a bheith ina haonteanga le haghaidh aon ghno/ no/ gno/thai/ oifigiu/la
ar fud an Sta/it ar fad no/ in aon chuid de.


-----Original Message-----
From: Santos Diana [mailto:Diana.Santos at sintef.no]
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 3:55 PM
To: Michel Généreux; CORPORA at UIB.NO
Subject: RE: [Corpora-List] RE: Constitution

One more piece of information and a question:

So does the Portuguese: 
official language: Portuguese :-)

(from http://www.parlamento.pt/const_leg/crp_port/)

Artigo 11.º
(Símbolos nacionais e língua oficial) 
1. A Bandeira Nacional, símbolo da soberania da República, da independência,
unidade e integridade de Portugal, é a adoptada pela República instaurada
pela Revolução de 5 de Outubro de 1910.

2. O Hino Nacional é A Portuguesa.

3. A língua oficial é o Português.

I think there is a subtle distinction in the new Europese between "official
languages" and "working languages", and we (Portuguese speakers) heard with
dismay a while ago that in the new EU, Portuguese is NO LONGER a working
language... or this has been at least proposed. 

Is there anyone in this list who can point us to the right place where this
concept ("EU working language") is defined and where reliable information
about them can be found? (I found a lot of discussion of this issue on the
Web in both Portuguese and Brazilian sites, but could not ascertain whether
this is already a fact or just a fear.)

But, if this is true, then it does not matter what the official languages
are any longer, but what the "working languages" are ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-corpora at lists.uib.no [mailto:owner-corpora at lists.uib.no] On
Behalf Of Michel Généreux
Sent: 23. mai 2005 15:43
Subject: Re: [Corpora-List] RE: Constitution

Bart Defrancq wrote:

> Dear Jean,
>> Well, why is the term "official languages" not included in the 
>> Constitution then (I thought that it was intended to be a recap of 
>> all the important concepts of the EU) ? I would have felt better.
> I don't know of many constitutions which do mention the official 
> languages of the country: the Spanish one does, i know and the French, 
> but only recently. The US's does not. Even the Belgian does not (!):
Canada does:     http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/const/annex_e.html#I

"(1) English and French are the official languages of Canada and have
equality of status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all
institutions of the Parliament and government of Canada."

Michel G.

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