[Corpora-List] small French TreeBank

Yannick Versley versley at sfs.uni-tuebingen.de
Thu Oct 6 10:08:58 UTC 2005

> I am phD student and I am working on a syntactic parser for French.
> I am looking for a small french treebank to use as goldStandard to evaluate
> its performances . Is any of you aware of any freely available resource?

Dear Bruno,

The French Treebank (http://www.llf.cnrs.fr/fr/Abeille/French_Treebank.pdf) 
seems to be freely available for research purposes, and there is at least one 
existing parser to compare yours to (Arun&Keller: Lexicalization in 
Crosslinguistic Probabilistic Parsing: The Case of French).

Best Regards,

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