[Corpora-List] CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Language Resources and Evaluation
Nancy Ide
ide at cs.vassar.edu
Thu Oct 6 18:25:12 UTC 2005
Published by Springer
Nancy Ide, Department of Computer Science, Vassar College, USA
Nicoletta Calzolari, Isitiuto di Linguistica Computazionale, CNR,
Language Resources and Evaluation is the first publication devoted to
the acquisition, creation, annotation, management, and use of
language resources, together with methods for their evaluation.
Language resources include language data and descriptions used to
assist and augment language processing applications, such as written
or spoken corpora and lexica, multimodal resources, grammars,
terminology or domain specific databases and dictionaries,
ontologies, multimedia databases, etc., as well as tools for their
acquisition, preparation, annotation, management, customization, and
use. Evaluation of language resources involves assessment the state-
of-the-art for a given technology, comparison of approaches,
validation of results, benchmarking, and assessment of system
usability and user satisfaction.
The journal editors are soliciting submissions on any of the
following topics:
· Methods, tools, and procedures for the creation and
annotation of mono- and multi-lingual language resources
· Methods for knowledge extraction and acquisition
· Guidelines, standards, models, and best practices
· Multimedia and multimodal language resources, and their
· Ontologies and knowledge representation
· Exploitation of language resources to enhance language
processing applications and sub-tasks
· Language resources in the context of the Semantic Web
· Language resources metadata
· Evaluation methodologies, protocols and measures
· Resources for benchmarking and evaluation, blackbox, glassbox
and diagnostic evaluation
Language Resources and Evaluation is the official journal of the
European Language Resources Association (ELRA), sponsor of the bi-
annual LREC conference.
All submissions are now made on-line! For information, see http://
www.springeronline.com/ (go to Linguistics > Computational
Linguistics) or contact the publisher:
Mrs. Jolanda Voogd, Associate Publishing Editor
Humanities Unit - Linguistics
P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht,
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31-(0)78 - 6576116 (direct)
Fax: +31-(0)78 - 6576350
E-mail: Jolanda.Voogd at springer-sbm.com
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