[Corpora-List] CFP: NAACL HLT 2007

Nick Webb nwebb at albany.edu
Mon Aug 14 18:27:20 UTC 2006

   **** NAACL HLT 2007 Preliminary Call for Papers ****

                       Human Language Technologies:
              The Conference of the North American Chapter of
              the Association for Computational Linguistics

                  April 22-28, 2007, Rochester, New York


General Conference Chair:  Candace Sidner (Mitsubishi Electric  
Research Laboratories)
Program Co-Chairs:
	Tanja Schultz (Carnegie Mellon University)
         Matthew Stone (Rutgers University)
         ChengXiang Zhai  (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Local Arrangements:  James Allen, Len Schubert, and Dan Gildea  
(University of Rochester)

NAACL HLT 2007 continues the tradition of the combined Human Language  
Conferences (HLT) and North American Chapter of the Association for  
Linguistics (NAACL) Annual Meetings begun in 2003. The conference  
covers a broad
spectrum of disciplines working towards enabling intelligent systems  
to interact
with humans using natural language, and towards enhancing human-human  
through services such as speech recognition, automatic translation,  
information retrieval,
text summarization, and information extraction. NAACL HLT 2007 will  
feature full papers,
late-breaking (short) papers, demonstrations, and a doctoral  
consortium, as well as
pre- and post-conference tutorials and workshops. The conference is  
organized by
the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational  
Linguistics (NAACL),
who is advised by a board representing the IR and speech communities  
and North American
HLT funding agencies.

Topics of Interest:

The conference invites the submission of papers on substantial,  
original, and unpublished
research in disciplines that could impact human language processing  
systems, with a
special focus on theories and methods that enable compelling  
combinations of human
language technologies (e.g., Speech with Information Retrieval,  
Machine Translation
with Speech, Question Answering with Natural Language Processing,  
etc.). Topics of interest
include but are not limited to:
- Computational analysis of language
      Phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, dialogue,  
discourse, style
- Speech processing, including:
     Speech recognition and speech generation
     Rich transcription: automatic annotation of information  
structure and sources in speech
- Information retrieval, text classification, and information  
     Text data mining, information extraction, text summarization,  
and question answering
- Multimodal representations and processing
- Statistical and learning techniques for language, including
     Corpus-based language modeling
     Lexical and knowledge acquisition
- Development of language resources, including
     Lexicons and ontologies
     Treebanks, proposition banks, and frame banks
- Language generation and text planning
- Multilingual processing, including
     Machine translation of speech and text
     Cross-language information retrieval
     Multi-lingual speech recognition and language identification
- Intelligent systems for natural language interaction, including
     Conversational systems for collaboration, tutoring and  
behavioral intervention
     Embodied conversational agents, virtual humans and human-robot  
     Language-enhanced platforms for interactive narrative and  
digital entertainment
- Evaluation, including
     Glass-box evaluation of HLT systems and system components
     Black-box evaluation of HLT systems in application settings

Submission information:

Full papers: Submissions must describe original, completed,  
unpublished work and
should follow the two-column format of ACL proceedings without  
exceeding eight pages,
including references. Each submission will be judged chiefly on the  
strength of
the argument it provides in support of its contribution, through e.g.  
evaluation, theoretical analysis, or critical engagement with HLT.   
Reviewing will
be double-blind; each submission will be reviewed by at least three  
committee members.

Late-breaking (short) papers: Submissions describing original,  
unpublished work
can be submitted as short papers with a later deadline.  The  
submissions should
follow the two-column format of ACL proceedings without exceeding  
four pages,
including references.  Reviewing will be double-blind; each  
submission will be
reviewed by at least two program committee members.  Short paper  
may be accepted for oral presentation in plenary OR for presentation  
in a poster session.

Demonstration, doctoral consortium, tutorial, and workshop  
proposals:  Submission
instructions will be available later.

Multiple-submission policy:  Papers that have been or will be  
submitted to other
meetings or publications must provide this information at submission  
time. In the
event of multiple acceptances, authors must notify the program chairs by
January 5, 2007, indicating which meeting they choose for  
presentation of their work.
HLT-NAACL 2007 cannot accept for publication work that will be (or  
has been)
published elsewhere.

**** Important Dates:

Oct 13, 2006	Full paper submissions due
Dec 22, 2006	Full paper notification of acceptance
Jan 18, 2007	Short paper submissions due
Feb 22, 2007	Short Paper notification of acceptance
Mar 5, 2007	Camera-ready full/short papers due
Apr 22-28, 2007 Conference

Please visit http://www.cs.rochester.edu/meetings/hlt-naacl07 for  
more information.

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