[Corpora-List] Registry of Latin America Researchers in NLP and CL

ted pedersen tpederse at d.umn.edu
Thu Aug 24 01:02:59 UTC 2006

Greetings all,

Back in November 2002 Brian Rassier (undergraduate student at Duluth) and 
I released the Registry of Latin American Researchers in Natural Language 
Processing and Computational Linguistics. There are currently about 160 
people registered, and we hope that this will continue to grow and remain 
current. You can visit the Registry at: 


The intent of the Registry is to provide a centralized source of 
information about students, researchers, professors, business people, etc. 
who work in Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics in 
Latin America, or who are originally from Latin America and located 
elsewhere now. 

So, if you fit the above description, please register! If you have already 
registered but didn't get an email from me in the last week about updating 
your information, please check out the registry - a few email addresses 
have gone bad lately, so you may want to update that information. 

Finally, for everyone else, please do visit the site and browse around. 
It's pretty interesting the amount and variety of research in NLP and CL 
that is happening in Latin America, and this is a good way (I hope) to get 
a quick snapshot of what is happening, and maybe identify future 
collaborators, etc. 


Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas for the 


Ted Pedersen

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