[Corpora-List] JOB OFFER

María Paula Santalla del Río mpsr at galvan.usc.es
Wed Aug 30 10:38:59 UTC 2006

Research Program: Isidro Parga Pondal (Xunta de Galicia, Regional 
Government of Galicia, Spain), a program designed to incorporate PhD 
graduates to the research system of Galicia (Spain).

Department: Spanish language, University of Santiago de Compostela 

Profile of the candidate: 
Corpus linguistics, computational linguistics and/or language engineering.

Candidates, requirements: PhD degree, six months at least of stay in a 
university or center of research different from the one in which the PhD 
degree was obtained.

Payment: 31.000 euro/year (which includes net income plus taxes, 
around 23.000 euro, plus social costs of the university).

Duration: two years, extendable via a specific call.

Procedure: application forms and instructions in

http://www.dxid.org/ (link "Axudas correspondentes a diversas accións de 
formación de investigadores, do Programa de Recursos Humanos do Plan 
Galego de Investigación, Desenvolvemento e Innovación Tecnolóxica 
(2002-2005) para o ano 2006", general introduction and Anexes II and VIII 
-if you are interested, but have problems with galician language, please 
contact María Paula Santalla del Río, fempsr at usc.es or Pablo Gamallo 
Otero, pablogam at usc.es)

Final date for application: september, 16, 2006.

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