[Corpora-List] Release of Russian Semantic Lexicon and Multiword list

Rayson, Paul rayson at exchange.lancs.ac.uk
Thu Dec 14 14:52:19 UTC 2006

Dear all,

I'm pleased to announce the first release of the USAS semantic field
lexicon and multiword list for Russian.

The Russian lexicon and MWE list are available from the ASSIST project


We provide a zip archive containing three files: a single word lexicon,
a proper name lexicon and a MWE lexicon. The current versions (14th
December 2006) contain 13,153 single words, 4,444 proper names, and 713
MWE templates. For each word in the files, we include a part-of-speech
tag based on the mystem tagset for Russian and a list of possible
semantic field tags from the USAS taxonomy, all of which have been
manually checked. For more details about the Russian resources, see
Mudraya et al (2006).  

These Russian lexical resources are licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

For more details about USAS, see:

Mudraya, O., Babych, B., Piao, S., Rayson, P., Wilson, A. (2006).
Developing a Russian semantic tagger for automatic semantic annotation.
In proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2006, St. Petersburg, from 10-14
October 2006.

This work has been supported by UK-EPSRC grants to UCREL, Lancaster
University and the Centre for Translation Studies, University of Leeds.

Season's greetings to all!!


Dr. Paul Rayson
Director of UCREL
Computing Department, Infolab21, South Drive, Lancaster University,
Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK.
Web: http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/users/paul/
Tel: +44 1524 510357 Fax: +44 1524 510492

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