[Corpora-List] Natural Language Toolkit: NLTK-Lite version 0.6.5 released

Hamish Cunningham hamish at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Tue Jul 11 10:41:26 UTC 2006


You might try the unicode-based tokeniser included with GATE
(http://gate.ac.uk), or ask on the user list for a German specialisation of


Markus Heller wrote:
> Dear Corpora Community,
> I recently saw that the tokenizer from the nltk package requires a good regex. 
> Does anybody have a reasonable regex for this package which can produce 
> decent tokens from modern texts, preferably German texts? I have tried out 
> the ones on the tutorial pages but I see a common package user is required to 
> develop his own regex for tokenizing purposes. Are there good (free) 
> tokenizer regexes around for this package? 
> Thanks in advance,
> Markus

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